
a nossa família vai crescer

quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014

o lugar mais seguro...

(...)“Your Dad will call you– and if you can’t hear him? You’re not where you are meant to be.”(...)
We need the person of God more than we need the plan for our life.
His voice is what you keep listening for….  and the heart of faith is your ear pressed into the heartbeat of His Word.
“This is the way for you — not her way, not their way — but My Way for You.” Stay close enough to the Word to hear your Father’s voice. Do Whatever He Tells You. 
Do whatever’s the next thing. Do whatever He puts in front of you and do it with great love and this is what makes any day, any life, anybody great. Miracles keep happening in the mundane.
O teu pai há-de chamar por ti, se não consegues ouvir, é porque não estás onde é suposto...

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