
a nossa família vai crescer

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011

A mudança começa em mim...

Como em tudo na vida, as mudanças começam em casa.
Os milagres acontecem quando no nosso quarto, na privacidade do nosso lar, queremos ver mudança.
O princípio de tudo está na nossa vontade de colocar em prática aquilo que falamos.
Quantas vezes espero ver novidades lá fora, e esqueço-me de escutar as que estão acontecer dentro da minha casa?!
Não posso exigir dos outros aquilo que eu não estou disposta a fazer. Eu tenho que estar ao serviço para que as tarefas fiquem realizadas.
O início da mudança está na minha prontidão para agir...

No Devocional de hoje by Crosswalk (tirado da net)

1 Thessalonians 5:19

Do not quench the Spirit

Your obedience makes you a person that God can work through powerfully!
The word “quench” is mainly used for putting out a fire. God is challenging you today not to put out the fire of the Holy Spirit in your life when the Spirit wants to do something in and through you.
DL Moody was one of the greatest men of God of a past generation. He had an unpleasant voice to listen to and butchered his English, but he was so powerfully used by God as a preacher. What enabled someone like him to be so used by God? When Moody was in the early days of his ministry, he visited a Bible study. During the study the leader made the comment, “The world has yet to see what God can do through one man totally yielded to Him.”
Moody went out of that Bible study with those words ringing in his heart. He said, “By the grace of God, I will be that man.” The results are history. God may not want you to be a preacher or missionary or fulltime in ministry. But He does want to use you powerfully in the lives you touch.
He is calling you to be that person “totally yielded to Him.” Then the fire of the Holy Spirit will blaze in your life, and people will be drawn to that glow within you.

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